Don’t Move, Improve!

Now that spring is here, homeowners are going to start thinking about getting their houses looking their best. There’s less motivation to complete DIY jobs during the winter, but when the days get brighter and longer, there’s not much excuse to put them off any longer. It can be time-consuming but completing a renovation can add value to a property. 

We’ve noticed however, that sometimes people mistakenly believe that it would be easier to move. This is understandable; if you’ve got a bathroom that needs replastering, doors and windows that are showing their age and damp patches in the bedroom ceiling, it must be very tempting to just throw in the towel and get a new house. 

Here at Reading Trade Windows, we understand this point of view but would have to disagree. So, if any of your prospective clients are considering moving, here are several reasons why they should improve instead. 

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It’s Less Time Consuming

This one might not feel accurate if you’ve just spent an entire day working, only to wind up covered in dust and the job still isn’t finished, but moving house takes longer than DIY. According to Compare My Move, it takes between twelve weeks and six months to move into a new home. In contrast, installing a new set of bifold doors takes a single day. Granted, that doesn’t factor in the planning and preparation, but it’s still significantly less time. If you want to see results faster, home improvement is the better choice.

The Expense

It’s also worth remembering how costly moving house is. For most of us, a mortgage is the most expensive thing we’ll ever buy, and that’s without taking into account solicitors fees, van hire, surveyors and all manner of other expenses. Yes, it’s a long-term investment and it will reap dividends, but in the immediate future, renovation is cheaper.

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Creating A Dream Home

All of us have an ideal home in our heads, but it’s a mistake to think it already exists, fully formed and waiting for you to buy it. Creating your dream home requires effort and believe it or not, you might be living in it already. Look at your existing property and ask yourself if you could turn it into the perfect residence. Maybe a new set of bifold doors or an aluminium roof lantern could make all the difference? It takes work, but it’s very rewarding.

Increased Value

Another point to bear in mind is that if you do move house, you’re going to have to sell your current home. And if it’s got modern installations and requires little maintenance, you’ll be able to ask for a higher price than if it needs renovating. For example, replacing old, single-glazed timber windows with modern, double-glazed aluminium ones will immediately add value.

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There are many reasons for moving house, but getting out of a few overdue repair jobs isn’t one of them. In the short term, upgrading your current home makes more sense. It’s less stressful and time-consuming, and won’t put such a strain on a bank account. 

If you have a customer looking for ways to improve their home, we can help. We have a wide range of contemporary aluminium doors, windows and roof lanterns that are perfect for upgrading a house. To find out more, you can email or call us on 0118 338 1600. Our experts are ready and will be more than happy to speak with you.

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About Chris
Chris has been with Reading Trade Windows for many years and has worked in the fenestration industry for even longer. His experience makes him a valuable asset to the team, and he is always happy to show his news, views and advice here on our blog.