The Benefits Of Aluminium
Here at Reading Trade Windows, we are proud to supply high-quality aluminium products from Origin. It’s not the only material we use, but aluminium has many advantages. Some people tend to be put off by the cost, but we think the benefits of aluminium far outweigh the drawbacks.
It’s an extremely reliable metal, and we use it in our Origin internal screens, bifold doors, windows and much more. It’s strong, secure, and thermally efficient. So, here’s a brief explanation of the benefits of aluminium.

Strong And Reliable
Aluminium weighs 67% less than steel but is an incredibly strong metal. Windows made with aluminium put less strain on buildings and are resistant to warping, flexing, or corroding due to weather conditions. Environmental factors can cause uPVC to expand and contract and timber to rot, but aluminium doesn’t have these problems.
It’s not just severe rain they’ll keep out of the house either; aluminium doors and windows are extremely tough, and any unwanted intruders will have a hard time breaking through them.
Thermal Efficiency
Aside from its inherent strength, aluminium benefits from its thermal efficiency. Our aluminium doors, windows and internal screens are rigorously tested and consistently achieve low u-values. Installing them in a home will reduce heating bills and lower the carbon footprint. Those energy savings will build up over time, and aluminium windows will eventually pay for themselves in the long run.

It’s The Green Choice
It’s easy to assume that metals aren’t environmentally friendly, but that’s not the case with aluminium. It’s one of the easiest metals to recycle, and an incredible 75% of the 1 billion tons of aluminium produced in the last 100 years is still in use.
It’s also one of the most abundant materials on the planet. 8% of the earth’s crust is aluminium, so it’s easy to reuse and repurpose. Your doors and windows will have a long lifespan, but when they eventually reach the end, the metal can be melted down and made into something new.
Let’s not forget that aluminium is an alternative to timber. The more aluminium products we use, the less trees have to be cut down. We love the rustic vibe of wooden houses, but we also love our forests. Besides, with the right powder coating, aluminium can resemble wood.
Suitable For Modern And Traditional Homes
Aluminium doors and windows are a natural fit for modern homes, but they work in traditional and heritage homes too. Origin have carefully studied the designs of 19th Century timber windows and successfully recreated them with aluminium.
It’s a versatile metal that can be adapted for any kind of home. If your customers want to upgrade their classic Victorian-era windows but are worried that aluminium won’t fit the aesthetic, it won’t.

At Reading Trade Windows, we proudly supply Origin’s aluminium doors, windows and screens. We believe your customers deserve only the best products, and aluminium can help breathe new life into their homes.
If you’d like further information, you can email us at or call us on 0118 338 1600. Alternatively, you can request an online quote. Our experts are on hand and waiting to speak with you.
Categories: News
Tags: aluminium doors, aluminium windows, Bifold doors, Origin doors, Windows
About Chris
Chris has been with Reading Trade Windows for many years and has worked in the fenestration industry for even longer. His experience makes him a valuable asset to the team, and he is always happy to show his news, views and advice here on our blog.