Do Composite Doors Make Homes More Secure?

Do composite doors make homes more secure? Simply put, yes – composite doors are a great solution for improving home security. Here at Reading Trade Windows, we provide a range of composite doors for trade and believe they are a very worthy investment. 

We know security is incredibly important when replacing a front door. Homeowners want to keep their loved ones and valuables safe. You can offer your customers total peace of mind with a composite door that truly makes their home more secure. 

There are several reasons why composite doors are so structurally sound. From the profile itself to the locking mechanisms and even the hardware and glazing, they really are the whole package. We’ve put together this guide to spotlight the security features of composite doors so you can help your customers make the most reliable investment for their homes.

composite door in bagshot

Secure Front Door Materials

When choosing a secure front door, one of the first things to consider is the material. There are many options for what a new door could be made of; timber, uPVC, and aluminium are some of the most commonly encountered choices, but today we’re focusing on composite doors.  

When it comes to security, composite doors have an advantage over all of their rivals. They’re manufactured with multiple materials, whereas the others are just made from one. Composite doors combine the benefits of multiple materials and offer increased security and durability.

secure composite door

Take Endurance Doors’ composite profiles, for example. They have a solid timber core (which is 10% thicker than most other composites on the market) while also featuring elements of uPVC. Expertly crafted under high-pressure manufacturing conditions, they’re physically tougher to break through than most – take a look at the sledgehammer test for proof of this – and the inherent strength of having multiple materials in their profiles gives them an edge over their single-material rivals.

Secure Front Door Hardware

Finding the right hardware and accessories to complement a new door involves more than just style and aesthetics. Adding the right hardware, such as handles and locking mechanisms, means enhancing a composite door in the right way will make it even more secure. 

Alongside the inherent durability resulting from their manufacturing process, composite doors are equipped with advanced locking mechanisms that respond to forced entry attempts. For example, the doors from Solidor have top-of-the-line security features fitted as standard. If a break-in is detected, the anti-pick, -snap and -drill components spring into action and prevent the door from opening. That way, only authorised visitors will be able to gain entry. 

Making a home more secure with a composite door is about more than just how it looks and performs on paper. We know that the mechanics behind how the hardware works means nothing if it doesn’t make your customers feel safe. That’s why all the composite doors we supply have inherent strength and durability that’s plain to see in how they look and feel. We can list all the benefits here, but feeling the weight of the door and hearing that reassuring click when it locks will really demonstrate how secure they are. 

lock and key of composite door

Secure Front Door Prices

Another key factor to consider when choosing a new door is the cost. Composite doors may indeed be more expensive than others on the market, like uPVC (although this isn’t necessarily always the case), but you can’t put a price on peace of mind. In the long run, paying for a high-quality, secure door is worth the extra cost.  

At Reading Trade Windows, we understand that safety and security are everything – not only in the darker winter months but all through the year. We are proud to supply impressively tough doors that can easily resist forced entry attempts. 

For a composite door that makes a home more secure, choose us. If you want to provide an exceptional composite door for your customers, why not contact us today to find out more?

Categories: News

About Chris
Chris has been with Reading Trade Windows for many years and has worked in the fenestration industry for even longer. His experience makes him a valuable asset to the team, and he is always happy to show his news, views and advice here on our blog.